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Rutile or Rutiliated Quartz


I am going to talk about two stones today – Rutile Quartz or Rutilated Quartz and another one Black Tourmaline. Spelling doesn’t matter and neither language.

A remedy for Diabetes

Rutile quartz is the best supportive remedy for diabetes. It reduces it tremendously and gives enormous energy.

In the night, keep a glass or copper tumbler (not even-silver tumbler) and put the quartz crystal in the water. It makes the availability of oxygen more. Diabetes patients will have less oxygen and so the quartz-charged water will help them a lot. It reduces sugar a lot.

Protect your lungs

It is one of the best remedies for lungs. It makes sure you don’t get cough, dry cough and protect the lungs to a greater extent.

It is a smoker’s recuperation. You need to give the crystal-charged water. You can give it to them like tonic. Leave the crystal in the water before going to sleep. In the morning, take it in the empty stomach.

Last year, I went to Gurgaon during the month of Dec, the smog used to be too much. Those who come from Chennai found it difficult to breathe.  I gave a couple of crystals to one such person. He didn’t have any episode of lung problem as he could breathe easily.

After that person reported that he is happy visiting Delhi during the month of Dec, I started drinking this water. I am finding it useful and so recommending.

Regarding oxygen availability, it increases the prana. As it supports lungs, it supports prana. It improves the circulation.

Heart condition

Does it take care of heart It does it indirectly. Angina pectoris is a condition, where oxygen level is low. This will help them for the same reason.

This stone is available with the center.

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Love, Affection and Harmony:

Expansion By All Means

The Gem Remedy Yellow Sapphire

Though the color of gem is yellow the color emitted by it is blue.

Blue corresponds to throat chakra, which represents space. So for any throat problem, Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

The key word for Yellow Sapphire remedy is expansion. If you want to expand your ability take Yellow Sapphire.

For business expansion – money or business growth, Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

Remedy for abundance

Yellow sapphire is the remedy for abundance.

You take Yellow Sapphire, or write Yellow Sapphire on a piece of paper and look at it, you will get money immediately.

You can do one more thing, that is take Yellow Sapphire pills and chant “FIND COUNT DIVINE” looking at the figure Jupiter, to get money.

For teachers and lecturers Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

Recovering from financial setbacks

For recovery what is the remedy?

Here, you want more money isn’t it?

So you have to take Yellow Sapphire by looking at Jupiter symbol and keep chanting FIND COUNT DIVINE.

Singer’s Care

For singers Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

How does it work for singers?

For singers, to help them sing in a high pitch Yellow Sapphire has to be given.

For singers give Ruby and Diamond also.

Physical care

For any joint problem, Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

For Shoulder and knee joints, give Yellow Sapphire and Nine Gems.

Any allergic condition also Yellow Sapphire is to be given.


If anybody is criticizing you, give him/her Yellow Sapphire.

To change a stingy person to flexible person, give him Yellow Sapphire.

To control anger you have to give Coral and Yellow Sapphire.

Kill Your Debts

Blue Sapphire emits violet color.

Restriction is the key word. To check, to control, to limit and to restrict are some of the expressions where the Gem Remedy Blue Sapphire is required.

To come out of debts

If a person is in debt continuously then give them Blue Sapphire and it will restrict their loan or debt.

If you want to earn more and more Yellow Sapphire is to be given.

That is whenever a person tells that he is in debts you have to give Blue Sapphire to restrict the debts.

Restrict your straying son

If someone says that his son is not staying at home he is always on the move then give him Blue Sapphire.

Tooth care

For any tooth or gum problems give Blue Sapphire. After brushing the teeth daily in the morning one can gargle with Blue Sapphire water.

For all tooth extraction cases, Blue Sapphire must be definitely taken. When there is tooth problem it shows that our Saturn is weak. So we have to take Blue Sapphire. For all dentists violet energy is more. It means the Saturn is strong for them

Make your relationships stronger


It emits the color indigo.

Saturn and Venus are friends. To escape from the problems of Saturn seek the help of Venus (Diamond).

To form a relationship Emerald is the remedy, while to solidify the relationship or make the relationship stronger Diamond, is the remedy.

Particularly in India, Diamond is given very much importance. Even during the marriage the groom’s side will give Diamond ear-ring or nose pin to the bride as it solidifies the relationship or cements the relationship. In any house, Diamond is a must as it strengthens the relationship.

For boys not yet married

It is a planet or stone for attraction. Whenever a male is not able to get married he has to take Diamond. Because he is not able to attract a female, he is not able to get married. His attracting power is increased by Diamond pills.

To build your charisma Diamond is the remedy. Thus, it is a boon for all actors and actresses.

Hair care

Diamond is the remedy for hair fall. It is not for old people but for the young who have got too much of hair fall these days.

It is also a good remedy for handling dandruff. Diamond along with curry leaves works well for dandruff. Also you can take the Batch flower remedy CRAB APPLE with that combination.

Skin care

Diamond is the very good remedy for skin diseases. For skin diseases Diamond and CRAB APPLE are to be given. Diamond is for beauty.

Eye care

For all eye problems you can take Diamond. If you go to an eye specialist take Diamond and automatically the diagnosis will be right.

Increase your creativity

To get a seat in interior decoration course, which is in great demand, give the student Diamond.

For Fashion designers, interior decorators and beauty parlor specialists, Diamond is very important. So for such persons, if Diamond along with Pearl is given regularly then their creativity will increase.

Taking Care of Your Children

Protection from Cold

Ruby, Pearl: if given regularly children will not get cold. Give these remedies after an attack of cold too.

Running nose

(Bach Flower Remedies) Sweet Chestnut, Walnut, Crab Apple, and (Gem Remedy) Yellow Sapphire

For immunity

Ruby and Pearl

Win competition

Yellow Sapphire, Coral

Children to listen to you

Son or daughter problem with mother; son to come to terms with you and if you want children to listen to you: take Pearl (or pray to moon) and Yellow Sapphire pills. If the child is not listening then it shows there is less motherliness in you. Take Pearl and develop your motherliness.

To increase the memory power of children


The son doesn’t stay at home

Blue Sapphire

The Mother’s Care


Though, PEARL looks white in color, the color emitted by it is orange.

Pearl represents the mind. It also represents the mother (inside us). If children does not listen to the parents means that the motherliness is less in us. So to improve the motherliness we have to take Pearl (remedy).

Pregnancy and Foetus Care

For infertility, Pearl works very well. But before that all your physiological problems has to be addressed first.

For easy and normal delivery of the baby, give Diamond, Yellow sapphire and Pearl. During the last three days before the delivery, Ruby has to be given. Do not give Ruby earlier because it will break the pregnancy, as the key word of Ruby is “Break”.

If the child has to grow well, give Diamond, Yellow Sapphire and Pearl, which will make the development of the foetus well. This combination can be given throughout the pregnancy.

When you are visiting the doctor for Gynecological problems take Pearl. Along with Pearl you can also take Emerald. Then, the doctor will diagnose rightly.

Relationship Care

To have a good relationship with your spouse, Pearl is the remedy.  To improve the relationship along with Pearl we have to take Yellow Sapphire (Jupiter) pills too.


If you find unenthusiastic take Pearl.

The oratorical skill can be developed very easily with Pearl.

To become popular you can take Pearl.

Creativity can be improved very easily with Pearl.

Health Care

Whenever there is severe throat problem you can take Pearl.

When there is fever too, Pearl can be given. When the temperature of the patient rises, if we give Pearl (pills or water) to the patient, then the temperature will come down.

When we have a constipation problem then our colon and intestine will be dry. Pearl can be very effective here as it increases the water element of the body. Thus, dryness is taken care of and the patient is able to pass the motion easily.

It is also very good for acidity and burning sensation in the stomach.

For piles, you have to add Red Coral to Pearl.

Take Care of Your SELF-Development


(Bach Flower Remedy) Clematis and (Gem Remedy) Amethyst

To become optimistic


Though you feel lesser enthusiastic

Then Pearl is the remedy to bring out from you, joy and enthusiasm about life.

You are an angry person

Blue Sapphire

You don’t know how to handle a criticizing or fault-finding person

Yellow Sapphire

When you have dishonest, deceitful and lying people around you

Yellow Sapphire

If you want respect


My spouse is a stingy person and to make him/her flexible

Yellow Sapphire

My spouse snores

The throat pipe of the concerned person is constricted. At the time of sleeping, they have to be given: (Bach Flower Remedies) Elm, White Chestnut, and (Gem Remedy) Yellow Sapphire

Heal your body with Gem Remedies

Basic remedy for any medical complaint

Sun (Ruby)

Vitality, Blood Circulation


To retain your stamina and vigor


General tonic

Nine gems

Chakra Balancing

Nine gems will balance all chakras, harmonizes the functioning of them

Nervous weakness

Emerald, Coral

Good digestion

Emerald, Ruby

Gas problem



Pearl is very effective. It increases the water element in the body. The intestine will be dry, if you are having constipation. Water element is increased by Pearl. Dryness is taken care of by Pearl’s water element.

Combine it with Coral.  The coral moves the bowels well.

Loose motion (Diarrhea)

Blue sapphire.  Combine with Bach flowers: White chestnut, Cherry plum

Acidity problems

When you have a burning sensation in the stomach, especially after eating pickles, then take Pearl pills. It is also good for acidity problems.


Pearl and IBGO (a combination of Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald and Pearl)

Pearl will reduce the temperature even if it seems to be rising.

Fever didn’t stop

Nine gems

After fever, a person feels dull

Recovery will be speeded up, if Ruby is taken. Even two pills will do.