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Another milestone from Naran

R Mohan

To put it simple about my body-strength status …if I fall sick I won’t take leave. However, after the sick episode is over, I will take leave because of body tiredness.

A couple of weeks back, Naran asked me to use the RUTILIATED CRYSTAL. He asked to put the crystal inside a glass of water (no silver tumbler – either glass or tea cups).

I drank the water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Later on, during the day, whenever I feel like drinking water and no later than 6 PM in the evening. I was drinking three or four glasses of water.

Physical, Mental and Brain Charger

I noticed that my body was charged up and I could do few more things than usual activities.

Interestingly, I found that my brain was charged too. Every time after drinking the water, I noticed my studies (which is part of my job) has improved significantly.

To put it simple, I noticed it gives me the effect if I take the Bach Flower Remedies – ELM, OAK and OLIVE.

I would definitely say, this is a significant healing milestone offered to us by Naran. So folks please go for it. Definitely, you will bless me for this suggestion.


I found the gemstone-charged water is good for any patients admitted in the hospital, including those who have undergone chemotherapy sessions.

My thanks to the mother earth for giving us one more gift to the humankind.

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Managing post-chemotherapy effects:

Rutile or Rutiliated Quartz


I am going to talk about two stones today – Rutile Quartz or Rutilated Quartz and another one Black Tourmaline. Spelling doesn’t matter and neither language.

A remedy for Diabetes

Rutile quartz is the best supportive remedy for diabetes. It reduces it tremendously and gives enormous energy.

In the night, keep a glass or copper tumbler (not even-silver tumbler) and put the quartz crystal in the water. It makes the availability of oxygen more. Diabetes patients will have less oxygen and so the quartz-charged water will help them a lot. It reduces sugar a lot.

Protect your lungs

It is one of the best remedies for lungs. It makes sure you don’t get cough, dry cough and protect the lungs to a greater extent.

It is a smoker’s recuperation. You need to give the crystal-charged water. You can give it to them like tonic. Leave the crystal in the water before going to sleep. In the morning, take it in the empty stomach.

Last year, I went to Gurgaon during the month of Dec, the smog used to be too much. Those who come from Chennai found it difficult to breathe.  I gave a couple of crystals to one such person. He didn’t have any episode of lung problem as he could breathe easily.

After that person reported that he is happy visiting Delhi during the month of Dec, I started drinking this water. I am finding it useful and so recommending.

Regarding oxygen availability, it increases the prana. As it supports lungs, it supports prana. It improves the circulation.

Heart condition

Does it take care of heart It does it indirectly. Angina pectoris is a condition, where oxygen level is low. This will help them for the same reason.

This stone is available with the center.

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Love, Affection and Harmony:

Gem of a Luck


I’m wearing green aventurine with 15 eyes DZI as bracelet and tiger’s eye as locket. I really need luck in my life for everything, especially financial wise.

Is there any spell or mantra that I really can activate for what I’m wearing now. I went through hell all this while.


If they have not brought any luck, remove them.

Take the flower remedies GENTIAN and LARCH two pills each four times a day.


No the stones are working. I can see little bit of changes for me but I just wanted to know is there any spells or mantra to activate the green aventurine for faster effects?


Once in a week, put the stones in water containing Bach flower remedies WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE.

Keep the stones in the water for 24 hours and then take out for use.

Guests need not be angels


One of my cousin and his wife had come to my house for some purpose and they plan to stay here for many days. I know guests should be treated like a god. But they are very egoistic, ordering me what to cook, choosy about what they eat and interfering in every issue.

My total house seems to be like a hotel. I don’t know how to express my mental state. No privacy to watch TV, doing work, going somewhere etc.

Pls give me a solution so that they shift from my house ASAP without any misunderstanding. I called WOLF but nothing happened.


Chant “RUBY, CENTAURY, WILLOW” over a glass of water and drink that water.

Write RUBY in a paper and keep it in the room they are staying.


Its wonder! I just chanted for 2 days. My cousin and his wife today shifted somewhere else nearby and by divine will there is no misunderstanding.


Ruby is a Gem Remedy. Break is the keyword for it. More explanation on this Gem Remedy:

Centaury and Willow are Bach Flower Remedies.

Centaury person can’t say no as he is fearful of disapproval.

He will develop resentment against those people (usually CHICORY and VINE type people), who uses them. For resentment, Willow is prescribed.

How do we learn to say a Hard ‘NO’:

Expansion By All Means

The Gem Remedy Yellow Sapphire

Though the color of gem is yellow the color emitted by it is blue.

Blue corresponds to throat chakra, which represents space. So for any throat problem, Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

The key word for Yellow Sapphire remedy is expansion. If you want to expand your ability take Yellow Sapphire.

For business expansion – money or business growth, Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

Remedy for abundance

Yellow sapphire is the remedy for abundance.

You take Yellow Sapphire, or write Yellow Sapphire on a piece of paper and look at it, you will get money immediately.

You can do one more thing, that is take Yellow Sapphire pills and chant “FIND COUNT DIVINE” looking at the figure Jupiter, to get money.

For teachers and lecturers Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

Recovering from financial setbacks

For recovery what is the remedy?

Here, you want more money isn’t it?

So you have to take Yellow Sapphire by looking at Jupiter symbol and keep chanting FIND COUNT DIVINE.

Singer’s Care

For singers Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

How does it work for singers?

For singers, to help them sing in a high pitch Yellow Sapphire has to be given.

For singers give Ruby and Diamond also.

Physical care

For any joint problem, Yellow Sapphire is the remedy.

For Shoulder and knee joints, give Yellow Sapphire and Nine Gems.

Any allergic condition also Yellow Sapphire is to be given.


If anybody is criticizing you, give him/her Yellow Sapphire.

To change a stingy person to flexible person, give him Yellow Sapphire.

To control anger you have to give Coral and Yellow Sapphire.

Master of Recovery


For any recovery Ruby is the remedy. Let us say, to recover from loss incurred in a business and start a new business.

To recover from severe fever or any illness Ruby is the remedy. Recovery is speeded up if Ruby is taken.

I have given Ruby to lot of singers during the music and festival seasons, and throughout the day they are able to retain their stamina, even after a heavy singing. To retain the stamina and vigor Ruby is the remedy.

Have a great authority and control

Have a great authority at office and home. Ruby will help you to be an authoritative person.

To get respect from others Ruby is the remedy.

There are certain people who are always controlling you and you will be always controlled. Then take Ruby.

For any divorce proceedings Ruby is to be taken. If one feels that he has to cut off from that person, he has to take Ruby

Please note here that these remedies function only as energy shifters.

 “He was forced to be away from his family”, a case history

Most of us go and buy gem stones for wearing. For one of my cousins, the Gem shop owner gave Ruby as sun period is there for my cousin, for a period of seven years. He started wearing the Ruby stone.

Within a month, he was transferred out of Chennai, to Bangalore. He could not come back to Chennai for more than one year. Finally he has to resign his job and come back to Chennai.

After he came back he met me and I told him to remove the stone. Immediately after that he got another job in Chennai and started living happily with his family.

Get your work done

If you are facing a big problem then take Ruby so that you will start acting and find the right solution.

You can take Ruby when you go to government offices to get your work done. In addition, take the Bach Flower remedies WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER, LARCH, GENTIAN and WILD ROSE.

So these remedies are also natural remedies and work for only specific purposes. However, Diamond can be worn by all.

Make your relationships stronger


It emits the color indigo.

Saturn and Venus are friends. To escape from the problems of Saturn seek the help of Venus (Diamond).

To form a relationship Emerald is the remedy, while to solidify the relationship or make the relationship stronger Diamond, is the remedy.

Particularly in India, Diamond is given very much importance. Even during the marriage the groom’s side will give Diamond ear-ring or nose pin to the bride as it solidifies the relationship or cements the relationship. In any house, Diamond is a must as it strengthens the relationship.

For boys not yet married

It is a planet or stone for attraction. Whenever a male is not able to get married he has to take Diamond. Because he is not able to attract a female, he is not able to get married. His attracting power is increased by Diamond pills.

To build your charisma Diamond is the remedy. Thus, it is a boon for all actors and actresses.

Hair care

Diamond is the remedy for hair fall. It is not for old people but for the young who have got too much of hair fall these days.

It is also a good remedy for handling dandruff. Diamond along with curry leaves works well for dandruff. Also you can take the Batch flower remedy CRAB APPLE with that combination.

Skin care

Diamond is the very good remedy for skin diseases. For skin diseases Diamond and CRAB APPLE are to be given. Diamond is for beauty.

Eye care

For all eye problems you can take Diamond. If you go to an eye specialist take Diamond and automatically the diagnosis will be right.

Increase your creativity

To get a seat in interior decoration course, which is in great demand, give the student Diamond.

For Fashion designers, interior decorators and beauty parlor specialists, Diamond is very important. So for such persons, if Diamond along with Pearl is given regularly then their creativity will increase.

Gem Remedies Discussed at Raj Bhavan Meet

Chanting the Gem Remedy will do

I always don’t advice people to wear a Gem or semi-precious gem stones. I tell them not to buy them, but chant the name of the Gem (remedy).

Life Situations

To earn more: Yellow Sapphire

Whenever you are prevented or stopped, and there are obstacles: Coral and Yellow Sapphire

When marriage is delayed: Coral

Anger: Blue Sapphire

When you want to make reconciliation with somebody, to re-establish a relationship: Emerald

For divorce proceedings, if it is delayed: Ruby

Diamond: for correcting the eye and for any bone disorders.

Before visiting general physician: Ruby and Emerald

Loans please leave me alone!

Rajesh is an employee in a national bank. He has taken loans in whatever way he could from his organization. Every month nothing is left from his pay check. He was only taking more and more loans. He consulted an astrologer. They asked him to wear a ring made with a Yellow Sapphire stone.

Now, this only increased the debts, as Yellow Sapphire (Jupiter) will expand whatever your status is – good or bad. So I asked him to remove the ring. Gave him Blue sapphire pills (Saturn for restriction of his debts) worth just Rs. 50/- and asked him to try for a month.

Next month when Rajesh turned up he remarked, “What a magic! I am not getting in to any new debts. In fact, I could manage my expenses within my salary. I am paying back my debts too”.

Couldn’t get into the roots of the problem

Savitri went for a root canal treatment. The dentist worked on her teeth for four days and yet he couldn’t complete the job. I asked her to chant Blue Sapphire in Tamil (Neelam – blue) as she doesn’t know English. (Saturn is represented by Blue Sapphire.)

She chanted for a couple of days. The dentist asked her to come once again. The same day, the teacher of the dentist paid a visit and he could remove it comfortably.

‘Saturn teaches lessons’ is a saying. Thus by calling him, the guru was made to teach his student here.