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Heal a relationship


Can Emerald be chanted to heal a relationship and renew communication with the person with whom the relationship is strained or is it compulsory to wear the gemstone?


Emerald can be used to heal a relationship.

Keep a picture of Emerald and paste the two person’s photos or names on that.

Write “emerald ……… (write the names of the persons)” in a notebook for 100 times.

When you say Emerald, “unite” “renew” is the meaning.

Can we chant instead of taking pills?


Can we chant emerald instead of using gem pills? If so how to chant?


Chant emerald visualizing green color filling up yourself and others and the house.

Life situations that can be handled by Emerald

  • Girl who are not married yet: Coral and Emerald
  • For guys who are not married: Diamond and Emerald
  • Emerald is useful for communication
  • For mediation, Emerald is the remedy.
  • To increase the memory power of children
  • Emerald means transaction and therefore for any type of transaction
  • For good digestion, gas problem
  • Even though some situations are unwelcome, you have to reconcile and accept. To establish harmony, Emerald is the key.

Guests need not be angels


One of my cousin and his wife had come to my house for some purpose and they plan to stay here for many days. I know guests should be treated like a god. But they are very egoistic, ordering me what to cook, choosy about what they eat and interfering in every issue.

My total house seems to be like a hotel. I don’t know how to express my mental state. No privacy to watch TV, doing work, going somewhere etc.

Pls give me a solution so that they shift from my house ASAP without any misunderstanding. I called WOLF but nothing happened.


Chant “RUBY, CENTAURY, WILLOW” over a glass of water and drink that water.

Write RUBY in a paper and keep it in the room they are staying.


Its wonder! I just chanted for 2 days. My cousin and his wife today shifted somewhere else nearby and by divine will there is no misunderstanding.


Ruby is a Gem Remedy. Break is the keyword for it. More explanation on this Gem Remedy:

Centaury and Willow are Bach Flower Remedies.

Centaury person can’t say no as he is fearful of disapproval.

He will develop resentment against those people (usually CHICORY and VINE type people), who uses them. For resentment, Willow is prescribed.

How do we learn to say a Hard ‘NO’:

Make your relationships stronger


It emits the color indigo.

Saturn and Venus are friends. To escape from the problems of Saturn seek the help of Venus (Diamond).

To form a relationship Emerald is the remedy, while to solidify the relationship or make the relationship stronger Diamond, is the remedy.

Particularly in India, Diamond is given very much importance. Even during the marriage the groom’s side will give Diamond ear-ring or nose pin to the bride as it solidifies the relationship or cements the relationship. In any house, Diamond is a must as it strengthens the relationship.

For boys not yet married

It is a planet or stone for attraction. Whenever a male is not able to get married he has to take Diamond. Because he is not able to attract a female, he is not able to get married. His attracting power is increased by Diamond pills.

To build your charisma Diamond is the remedy. Thus, it is a boon for all actors and actresses.

Hair care

Diamond is the remedy for hair fall. It is not for old people but for the young who have got too much of hair fall these days.

It is also a good remedy for handling dandruff. Diamond along with curry leaves works well for dandruff. Also you can take the Batch flower remedy CRAB APPLE with that combination.

Skin care

Diamond is the very good remedy for skin diseases. For skin diseases Diamond and CRAB APPLE are to be given. Diamond is for beauty.

Eye care

For all eye problems you can take Diamond. If you go to an eye specialist take Diamond and automatically the diagnosis will be right.

Increase your creativity

To get a seat in interior decoration course, which is in great demand, give the student Diamond.

For Fashion designers, interior decorators and beauty parlor specialists, Diamond is very important. So for such persons, if Diamond along with Pearl is given regularly then their creativity will increase.

Drowning in Debt


I am drowning in debt.

Already I bought money from my relatives and paying interest. Last month I finished my daughter’s marriage by pledged my house document. I don’t know how I am going to settle these things.

I gave my used jewels to my daughter. Some are broken too. Her mother-in-law is also angry with her. Kindly save my daughter’s life too.

I am doing building construction. At present no business.


Take the gem remedy BLUE SAPPHIRE pills for you.


For the pills contact


To restrict your debts and bring it down: Blue Sapphire

Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Sadashivam, Lalitham Chandrasekaram helps to find peace and harmony in married life.


Solving Your Day-to-Day Problems


First you need clarity

We should get clarity to solve the problems. MOONSTONE gives you that. Peace will come. It works like Bach Flower CERATO and therefore you don’t ask opinion from others as you can take the decision by yourself and the solution lies within you.

The problem is too big to handle and you have a starting problem

Therefore, you don’t know how to proceed. Take RUBY then you will know where and how to start.

Then break the problem into small chunks

You have to break a big problem into small chunks, so that you can handle them individually and one by one: RUBY

May be it is an unsolvable problem

There is a problem you don’t know how to solve it: RUBY

In case you need necessary authority to manage it