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Another milestone from Naran

R Mohan

To put it simple about my body-strength status …if I fall sick I won’t take leave. However, after the sick episode is over, I will take leave because of body tiredness.

A couple of weeks back, Naran asked me to use the RUTILIATED CRYSTAL. He asked to put the crystal inside a glass of water (no silver tumbler – either glass or tea cups).

I drank the water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Later on, during the day, whenever I feel like drinking water and no later than 6 PM in the evening. I was drinking three or four glasses of water.

Physical, Mental and Brain Charger

I noticed that my body was charged up and I could do few more things than usual activities.

Interestingly, I found that my brain was charged too. Every time after drinking the water, I noticed my studies (which is part of my job) has improved significantly.

To put it simple, I noticed it gives me the effect if I take the Bach Flower Remedies – ELM, OAK and OLIVE.

I would definitely say, this is a significant healing milestone offered to us by Naran. So folks please go for it. Definitely, you will bless me for this suggestion.


I found the gemstone-charged water is good for any patients admitted in the hospital, including those who have undergone chemotherapy sessions.

My thanks to the mother earth for giving us one more gift to the humankind.

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Managing post-chemotherapy effects:

Grow more hair


Is there any mantra to stop hair fall, strengthen hair and promote new hair growth?  I also want to know a mantra for spotless, glowing skin and which can stop pigmentation on skin.




I’m 22 yrs old married woman. Recently, I’m experiencing severe hair fall and my hair-line is receding. Being a woman I would love to have shiny, lustrous, thick hair.


  1. Take WALNUT CRAB APPLE the flower remedy, 4 pills, 4 times a day.
  2. Chant (gem remedy) BLUE SAPPHIRE daily 100 times.


What is Blue Sapphire?


Just chant BLUE SAPPHIRE. You need not know what it is. It is a gem stone. The stone is around Rs.15000/- Even by chanting you get the energy of the stone. The color it emits is helpful for hair growth.


I’m a woman too suffering from severe hair loss. I have a doubt. How can just by chanting blue sapphire we can get the power of the stone without wearing it?


All the physical matters have their counter parts in etheric world. E.g. if blue sapphire is the stone found underneath the earth, its counterpart should have appeared in ether “prior” to its formation. In other words, any physical matter is the child of etheric stuff. By repeating Blue sapphire, you are tapping the energy from the etheric world. Instead of wearing, you are getting the energy of Blue Sapphire. The energy only grows the hair.


Earlier when someone asked a mantra for hair loss, you told them to chant “OM PRAAM PREEM PROWM SAHA SHANAYE NAMAHA”. Can anyone chant this? In the net I found that this is a Shani (Saturn) mantra. How is this related to hair fall?


Either you can chant this mantra or Blue Sapphire. The gem stone belongs to Shani (Saturn).  If the hair fall is too much, one looks older. This is done by the afflicted energy of Saturn.  Hence the prayers to STOP the hair fall.  Praam means stop.


Naran’s Product – “Hair strong”, is available at the centre to take care of strength and health of your hair