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Angel to remove darkness



  • Best-ever stone to transform negativity from the atmosphere and our auric field.
  • You can keep the stone next to you while lying in bed. You can place it in your chakras too.
  • For children, keep it next to them, while sleeping.
  • The beauty of the stone is, by taking in the negative, or unwanted energy from outside, it doesn’t get spoiled. It transmutes the energy. It will convert any energy to positive.
  • Along with TIGER’S EYE, It will change the evil-eye (to positive).
  • It is a best remedy for radiation, especially for Mobile/TV radiation. Keep the stone next to the TV. Then no radiation from TV will affect you.
  • If you are a heavy mobile user, keep the stone next to you at night and meditate. The entire chakras and auric field will get cleansed.
  • Keep it in your hand and talk to it. All you anger, sadness and other negative thoughts will be transmuted by it.
  • All the emotional toxins – and thoughts like “Something is blocking me”, “I am not able to move forward in life”, will be released.
  • It is the best cleansing stone without using water. It gives the effect at a deepest level.
  • When you get back pain, keep the stone in your back.

The beauty of the stone is it will transmute anything. So it will not contain any negativity at all.

In general, regarding quartz crystals, we will be talking about contamination. We don’t need to concern about such things regarding Black Tourmaline.

Anybody can touch it. Your stone can be used by others also. You can keep in the house, where you feel the adverse energy

The stone is available at the centre.

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Bring Cheer in Relationships


My main problem of my fibromyalgia (nerves pain due to stress) and that is because of my not having a good relationship with my husband.

But I have discussed each and everything with my husband how we can make our relationship better. He will always tell that he will improve. But, he has never done anything about it.

I am a very honest person, get attached very easily and do everything for others with full heart. But, my husband loves to show off. He spends money on me to show others and my children that he is a very caring husband and loves me a lot.

Because of his nature, I am totally broke. I can’t believe him anymore. He is very selfish and only cares about him. He has no interest in me.

I just have dragged this marriage because of my kids. My boys are 19 and 17. They also understand that our relationship is not good. My kids also tell me to try to be happy and stay busy.

To keep myself happy, I am trying to keep myself busy in so many things, I have started business as well. But, whatever I am doing my husband has no interest in it.

I am trying to detach myself from him also but it’s really difficult, I don’t know, what to do, but still I want true love from him.


What is needed for you to change yourself to him? You only want him.

Ask yourself what is preventing you from getting his love?

Are you blaming within (for your problems)?

What about your judgmental attitude (about yourself) within?

What is in you that is preventing you from getting his love and affection?

Is it your desire to change him?

What is in you that has caused his rejection?

What is in you that has attracted this unloving person (in your life)?

Reflecting on your thoughts and behavior will make you understand your life better.

What do you need to change in yourself?

Did you not anytime ACT (put up a show) anywhere with anybody in the past?

What is that which is hidden in you? What all you had hidden from your parents in your past?

How much love you have for others? Scale each and every love you gave to others? Is it not different with different people?


Chant (gem remedy) PEARL as many times as possible


I have never acted with my own people, whether they are my parents, sisters, brothers, or close friends.

I am always honest with them. I don’t lie as well.

I don’t believe in changing people, I accept everybody as they are.

My only problem is I have expectations on my husband so that we can make our married life better, by spending more time with each other,

He has all the enthusiasm when he meets others. He entertains them like anything but at home he didn’t want to do anything.

He likes parties so I arrange for him, but if I like to spend time with him he should also take some effort for that.

I won’t say he doesn’t love me, but there is no effort in making our lives and relationship cheerful.




The Gem remedy PEARL will develop the motherliness in you, which attract people towards you.

The switch words “TOGETHER CHANGE NOW” is so powerful that it will bring tremendous change in you, which in turn will bring the results you want.

Change is a Celebration, let us celebrate it.  I have created a “WELCOME CHANGE” CD to bring the changes in ourselves easily.

Please check out the link to buy the CD online or from the center:

Cure Your Cold and Allergies

Breathing problems

Inhale red and orange colors from Sun

Cold with running nose


Throat pain

Yellow Sapphire

Sore throat with running nose

(Bach Flower Remedies) Walnut, Crab Apple, White chestnut, and (Gem Remedy) Yellow sapphire

Whenever there is a severe throat problem

You can take Pearl, Yellow Sapphire

Sneezing and allergy cough

White Chestnut, Walnut, Crab Apple, Yellow Sapphire

Dust allergy

Yellow Sapphire

Any allergic condition

Yellow Sapphire

Allergic to smell

Yellow Sapphire, Walnut